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Remote Desktop for Windows 10/11 Home Edition

Author: Robert Agar
Robert Agar Article author
NOTE:  This article, initially about setting up the remote desktop on Windows 10 Home Edition using an RDP wrapper library, applies to Windows 11 Home as well.

Windows operating systems come in different editions, each with its own set of features. A prime example is the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) in Windows 10/11, which is significantly restricted in the Home editions compared to the Professional ones.

In this article, we’ll guide you through a useful workaround to enable Remote Desktop in Windows 10/11 Home, allowing you to connect to your PC remotely.

Limitations of Windows 11 Home RDP

Remote Desktop Protocol operates in two roles within a network: Client and Server.

  • – RDP Server: The computer or device being accessed remotely, hosting the desktop environment and applications.
  • – RDP Client: The computer or device accessing another computer remotely.

In Windows 11 Home, the RDP Server functionality is disabled, preventing remote connections to these computers. This can be inconvenient, particularly for remote workers.

However, Microsoft hasn’t completely removed the Remote Desktop Server from Windows 11 Home. It’s still possible to enable RDP on your Windows Home PC without purchasing a Pro/Enterprise license or upgrading your system, by using a third-party DLL.

  If you’re looking for legitimate ways to enable remote desktop access on Windows 11 Home that are straightforward and don’t compromise security, jump to the section about HelpWire.

How to enable Remote Desktop on Windows Home

Follow these steps to set up Remote Desktop sessions for Windows 11 Home systems.
Warning:  The following actions may violate Microsoft Windows EULA. Proceed at your own risk and preferably in a test environment.
  1. Download the latest RDP Wrapper library from Github.

  2. Run the installation file to install the RDPwrap dynamic link library (DLL). This software provides the necessary functionality to enable Remote Desktop on a Windows 11 Home system.

  3. Search your computer for Remote Desktop and the results should display the RDP software you need to connect to a remote machine. Start the app to initiate a remote connection.

  4. Enter the name or IP address of the remote computer and the login credentials to satisfy authentication requirements. The target computer to which you want to connect must have Remote Desktop Connections enabled.

After installing RDPwrap, Windows 10 may still indicate Remote Desktop is unavailable. However, our tests confirm that remote desktop connections are possible using this workaround.

Windows Home enabled Remote Desktop

Is the RDP wrapper library safe? Well, this solution does not change the properties of a Windows Home operating system. Essentially, the RDPwrap software subverts Windows 11 Home security to enable Remote Desktop.

While this is a less expensive alternative than upgrading from Windows Home to Windows Professional, it does open potential vulnerabilities that may not be acceptable to most users. In that case, you will need to use an alternate way of enabling remote desktop functionality on Windows 11 Home.

Remote Desktop alternative for Windows Home

For those uncomfortable with the above workaround, consider this remote desktop software for Windows offers a secure, user-friendly solution.

Contrasting with conventional remote assistance tools that are hard and complicated to use, HelpWire features a simple and intuitive interface that allows users to establish remote connections in just a few clicks, while also providing advanced remote support features.

HelpWire at a glance
  • Free for personal and commercial use
  • Safe authentication
  • Enterprise-level encryption
  • Share the URL to start a remote session
  • Zero firewall modifications
But most importantly, HelpWire minimizes the risks associated with the RDP workaround, offering a safer option for remote connections.

Final words

In conclusion, while Windows 10/11 Home editions have limitations with RDP, effective workarounds and alternatives like HelpWire exist. These solutions enable remote desktop functionality, catering to different comfort levels regarding security and ease of use. Whether you opt for the RDP wrapper library or HelpWire, you can maintain productivity and connectivity with remote access to the Windows Home PC.