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HR Ticketing System: A Full Guide

Author: Helga York
Helga York Article author

Members of an Human Resources (HR) help desk typically use an HR ticketing system to manage and track issues and questions raised by employees throughout a company. Reliable HR ticketing help desk software reduces the time team members spend resolving issues such as payroll, developing workplace policies, and performing administrative activities.

Keep reading to see why your company needs an HR ticketing system and choose the right HR ticketing software for your business.

What are the advantages of implementing HR ticketing system?

Organizations expect to receive benefits when implementing HR software solutions.

More efficient employee onboarding

Onboarding new employees is an essential responsibility of a company’s human resources help desk team. According to statistics, 69% of employees tend to stay with the company for 3 years if they do well in training. HR managers need to get the individual up to speed as quickly as possible and help them integrate comfortably into their new department. An HR ticket system can be instrumental in getting a new employee off to a great start, providing templates for standard processes and procedures that streamline the onboarding experience.

Enhancing employee engagement

Engaged employees are more likely to remain loyal to a company and go the extra mile to get things done. A human resources help desk can improve employee engagement by ensuring all requests and issues are handled smoothly.

The ability to initiate requests for paid time off and promptly receive verification and approval leads to happy workers. Requests that are not dealt with efficiently can result in broken vacation plans and disgruntled employees. A competent and productive HR service desk will lead to better morale throughout the company as it was proven by the McKinsey & Company research.

Preventing issues from becoming problems

HR ticketing help desk software provides analytics and reporting features that allow organizations to gain a better understanding of trends in human resources service delivery. The data can identify areas where services can be improved before they seriously impact employee satisfaction. Systems may be capable of directly obtaining feedback through surveys to gauge employee sentiment and alert helpdesk teams of issues that can be proactively addressed.

Expanding an organization’s knowledge base

Growing a company’s HR knowledge base enables more information to be made available to agents and employees. Advanced HR ticket systems can automatically turn common inquiries and responses into knowledge base entries.
A searchable knowledge base made available to the workforce improves team productivity by enabling employees to help themselves and frees agents up for other tasks.

Strengthen data privacy and confidentiality

The majority of human resources help desk solutions protect sensitive information involved in processing employee requests or problems. Data protection is legally required in many jurisdictions and failure to implement it can result in financial penalties.

What are the essential features of an HR ticketing system?

Certain features are essential parts of a viable human resource help desk system. Ideally, the system should provide a good experience for end users as well as the representatives staffing the HR desk.

The following essential features are found in the best HR help desk.

Omnichannel communication support

Good HR ticketing systems enable end users to communicate through multiple channels such as voice, email ticketting systems and text messages. The system consolidates this communication and presents it to the HR support team in a unified interface.

Shared team inbox

A shared inbox lets all team members access tickets from a centralized location. The shared inbox fosters collaboration when processing an HR ticket and allows a single agent to field multiple queries simultaneously.

Importing and assigning tickets

These basic features of an HR help desk ticketing system ensure that all employee queries are addressed. Tickets are assigned to the team member best qualified to address them efficiently.

A self-service employee knowledge base

A self-service knowledge base is mandatory for streamlining the delivery of HR services throughout a company. Both employees and HR agents can save time by using self-service portals to handle common issues.

Configurable SLA agreements

An HR ticketing system should allow service level agreements (SLAs) to be defined to monitor status and escalate a ticket if necessary to address problems with the workflow. SLAs should include information like protective due dates, required response time, and other contractual items.


Automation of common processes such as importing tickets, assigning agents, defining SLAs, and updating status is essential in large and busy HR environments. Through automation, teams save time and avoid a human error that can negatively impact service delivery.

Communication within tickets

Allowing agents to chat or communicate within a ticket can streamline problem resolution by reaching out for expertise from another team member. It also facilitates training as inexperienced agents can obtain help from more seasoned individuals.

Analytics and reporting

Comprehensive analytics and reporting provide visibility into the performance of the HR team. Studying the trends in ticket resolution and reported issues can uncover new tactics to improve team productivity and performance.

Collision detection

Collision detection identifies tickets that are being worked on by two agents at the same time. Detecting these tickets eliminates duplication of effort and enhances HR team productivity.

Selecting the Right HR Ticketing Software

Selecting an HR ticketing system that addresses your business objectives can be challenging. We suggest taking a methodical approach that includes these four essential steps.

Define business requirements and objectives – The first step in finding the right solution is to identify the features and functionality it needs to address business objectives. This process should involve a company’s HR department, upper management, and the IT team. A budget should also be set which may eliminate some expensive solutions from consideration.

Conduct extensive research – Once you have defined the software’s requirements, you should research all solutions that appear to fit your needs and budget. Try to find software that has worked for other companies in your industry. Develop a shortlist of solutions and obtain demos from the software vendors.

Test the solution – Using demos and free trial versions, select the tool that best fits your needs. Before rolling it out into production, test the software with its intended audience. Make sure there are no show-stopping issues that arise during testing that force you to choose an alternate product.

Verify the vendor’s customer support model – You want to make sure the vendor stands behind their product and will provide the necessary customer support to resolve any issues with the solution. It may be worthwhile to get in touch with other customers to see how they rate the vendor’s level of support.

5 Best HR ticketing systems in 2023

We’ve brought together 5 of the most used ticketing systems to help you make a selection. Compare the features of these tools to get a better idea of which one is the ​​best internal help desk software for your company.

1. DeskPro

DeskPro’s ticketing system is designed to optimize help desk efficiency. Internal processes can be automated for enhanced productivity. This HR helpdesk software supports a mobile workforce and lets HR agents work from anywhere. It’s a secure help desk solution that offers multiple deployment options.

Pricing: from $29 per agent/mo.
Deployment: Cloud, on-premise.

HR ticket software

2. Zoho Desk

Zoho Desk is popular HR help desk software that offers businesses a comprehensive platform to support internal customer service. The tool assists with hiring and onboarding by providing a FAQ portal for new employees that minimizes repetitive requests for information from the help desk.

Zoho allows the creation of workflow rules to automatically route requests to the appropriate team members. Resolved tickets query employee satisfaction with happiness ratings to understand where organizational improvements can be made.

Pricing: from $14/user/mo.
Deployment: Cloud, on-premise.

HR ticket solution

3. HappyFox

HappyFox is an HR ticketing system that automatically organizes and categorizes employee queries so they can be addressed promptly by the right personnel. Knowledge base functionality enables a company to make all HR policies and procedures available to employees on a self-service basis.

Centralized management of hiring, onboarding, payroll, and time off results in more productive HR agents. A nice feature of the tool is referral management to help locate and hire top talent.

Pricing: from $39/agent/mo.
Deployment: cloud.

HR ticketing software

4. UseResponse

UseResponse is a multi-channel HR help desk ticketing software solution that helps HR teams hire and onboard new employees. It can also be used to rate employees to provide valuable information when filling open positions from within the company.

A customizable knowledge base offers self-service possibilities regarding employee benefits, wellness, and accountability. This feature can dramatically reduce the number of repetitive requests an HR team needs to field. Case management can be automated to ensure requests are handled by the right agent as soon as possible.

Pricing: the cloud plan costs $49 per user per month, but it has a minimum of 2 users, so the lowest Estimated Total is $1176, on-premise option starts from $4800/ year. Monthly payment is possible only for the cloud version. A 14-day trial is available.
Deployment: cloud, on-premise.

HR ticket software solution

5. HelpSpot

HelpSpot offers users a unified dashboard so all email requests are stored centrally and made available to the help desk team.

This tool lets you measure performance metrics with customized reports to address and improve issues related to ticket response time and the volume of work assigned to each agent. Automating repetitive tasks and the availability of a self-service knowledge base help minimize stress on your HR team while delivering excellent customer service to employees.

Pricing: the cost of the service depends on the number of agents and changes gradually. For example, the three agent plan costs $699 per year, which divides into $233 per user. The plan for 10 agents is $1,699, so the per-user cost is lower, $169.9. A 21-day trial is available.

internal HR help desk software

Use cases for HR ticketing systems

The following examples illustrate some of the ways companies use internal HR ticketing systems to optimize processes of onboarding workers and enhance the employee experience.

  • • A company hires several new analysts who will work remotely in different time zones spread around the world. Using the company’s HR help desk solution, each employee can obtain the onboarding information they need and initiate requests through a self-service portal. This eliminates the problem of coordinating individual meetings with reps and employees in different time zones.
  • • An organization’s helpdesk agents are overwhelmed by the number of requests for issues like scheduling vacation days or obtaining training. Addressing these legitimate but standard concerns is taking up time that agents could spend on resolving more complex issues. Making the necessary information and forms available through a self-service HR solution lets the employees quickly find answers while the help desk agents get back some valuable time.
  • • A company’s HR manager notices some discrepancies in customer satisfaction between different departments that are showing up in routine reporting. Further investigation identifies one department head who is making unreasonable requests that drag down satisfaction rates. A meeting is arranged and the issue is resolved by providing the department head with a better understanding of company policy resulting in appropriate HR requests. Without reporting capabilities, this issue would have gone unnoticed until it was elevated to a more serious problem.
  • • Employees may want to remain anonymous while finding out information about potentially sensitive issues like parental leave or mental health assistance. A competent HR system with self-service capabilities addresses this problem by letting employees obtain the information they need without directly consulting an HR representative.


The evolution of the HR help desk leads to the implementation of AI. Artificial intelligence is being used to power intelligent human resource help desk solutions that make it easy for an employee to obtain the services they need (f.e. AI-chatbots to deal with the most common issues, automated employee onboarding or automated and personalized surveys to get the feedback). Advanced analytics enable companies to fine-tune their offerings and deliver a superior employee experience. The benefits will be felt throughout the organization with a more satisfied and productive workforce.
Human resource help desks could be helpful for businesses to organize large numbers of employee inquiries, onboarding processes, and responses to the most frequent employee questions. Simplified, automated and personalized HR support will help to retain more employees and increase the prosperity of the company.