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How You Can Avoid AnyDesk Scams and use the Tool Safely

Author: Helga York
Helga York Article author

AnyDesk is a popular and reliable remote desktop solution that meets the demands of a mobile workforce. The software tool enables users to access virtually any device anywhere and anytime as long as they have an Internet connection. Many people are working remotely these days, making AnyDesk an attractive method of connecting to company systems and resources.

Unfortunately, the popularity of this remote desktop software has led to a proliferation of AnyDesk app scams that attempt to trick users into allowing unauthorized access to their devices or company networks and systems. We are going to look at how these scams are perpetrated and the best methods you can use to defend yourself.

Useful tip: 
To safeguard against AnyDesk scams, and ensure reliable security in remote access and personal data protection, consider using an alternative dependable remote support tool. HelpWire employs advanced encryption and strong authentication methods, guaranteeing safe connections for both support experts and their remote clients. Learn more.

AnyDesk Scam is Not Possible if You Know This

Is AnyDesk safe to use? The short answer is yes. When used correctly, AnyDesk is a safe solution for establishing access to a remote computer or mobile device. It employs the same type of encryption to keep your data safe that a bank uses to protect your account details. The following security features are built into AnyDesk.

  •  All connections are verified using RSA 2048 asymmetric key exchange encryption.
  •  Military-grade TLS 1.2 Standardized Protocol Technology protects remote connections from access by unauthorized individuals.
  •  256-bit AES Transport Encryption is used to prevent third parties from accessing your data.

As with any other software tool, AnyDesk is safe to use when the proper remote access technologies are used. Users have substantial responsibility for making sure they don’t fall victim to an AnyDesk scammer.

Some simple precautions are necessary to ensure the safety of establishing remote connections with AnyDesk. If you follow the guidelines below, you have a good chance of avoiding infection with the AnyDesk app.

safe tips
  •  Don’t allow any unknown individual to access your devices for any reason.
  •  Never share login credentials or passwords with anyone. This is especially important when using applications that are able to access sensitive data.
  •  Always download AnyDesk from the company’s official website. Don’t click on a download link offered by Google Advertising.
  •  Verify the requestor’s identity when an attempt to access your device is initiated by an unfamiliar entity. This may require a phone call to the organization to ensure the request is not a fraud.
  •  Don’t click on unfamiliar links even when they were sent from a friend. Enticing users to click on dangerous links is a favorite method of delivering malware.
  •  Create a whitelist of authorized users that can access your devices. Block all unknown users until you can verify they are not AnyDesk scammers.

Let’s take a look at various AnyDesk app scams, so you can be prepared to deal with the hackers and use the program safely.

How do AnyDesk Scams Work?

The malicious hacker community is extremely creative in devising ways to compromise devices and data resources. AnyDesk is used by hackers in a variety of ways to steal login credentials, compromise valuable data, and plant malware to cause further damage to your systems and networks. The common aspect of all of these AnyDesk scams is that they can be extremely dangerous and result in the loss of important and valuable information.

Installing a Fraudulent AnyDesk App

One of the ways a scammer tries to compromise your system is by having you install the app on your phone or computer so they can take control of your device. There would be no difference if it was through AnyDesk Apple scam or eBay account or other well-protected services because you allow it yourself and give direct access. If the hacker is successful in their attempt, they may be able to gain access to sensitive transactions performed on the device, even those that use one-time passwords for additional security.

This AnyDesk hack is initiated with a phone call from the criminals posing as representatives of your bank or financial institution. Here’s how it works.

  •  You are contacted by a hacker impersonating a customer service rep at your bank to inform you there is a serious problem with your account and that it is now locked. They want to help you address the issue as quickly as possible.
  •  When the cybercriminal gains your confidence, they will request that you download AnyDesk from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
  •  After you install the AnyDesk, a PIN is generated that needs to be shared to allow access to your device. If you provide this PIN to the hacker, they can control your device in whatever way they like. The result is often infection with AnyDesk malware to steal login credentials and access your accounts.

You need to be extremely careful when installing AnyDesk and providing access to another user. Rather than downloading the app from a possibly fraudulent support representative, hang up the phone. Try to access your account in the usual way, and you will usually find that there is no problem at all. If you do discover an issue with the account, contact customer support using the standard methods.

If you think you have fallen victim to this AnyDesk scam, you should immediately begin the removal of the app and any other software installed since the attack. There may have been additional malware or adware installed by the hackers while they had access to the system.

AnyDesk Scams on PayPal

PayPal stands out as one of the earliest online payment systems, widely regarded for its reliability and trustworthiness. This reputation sometimes makes it even more challenging to detect phishing attacks, especially those related to the “AnyDesk PayPal scam.” Often, hackers exploit PayPal’s free invoicing service to create a lure for scams — a fake invoice. These emails appear to originate from PayPal’s own server, and the links within them lead to invoices on PayPal’s official website, tricking unsuspecting victims into believing they are genuine.

Upon receiving such a fraudulent invoice, the victim may contact the provided phone number to cancel the order or clarify the situation. Unfortunately, under pressure from the scammers, the victim may end up installing AnyDesk and granting temporary access to the computer or phone. Typically, this short period is sufficient for scammers to gather the necessary information for subsequent data theft and unauthorized access to electronic wallets.

Unfortunately, cases where an intruder scams PayPal wallets using AnyDesk, like the one described here, are increasingly common on the internet.

If you find yourself in this unfortunate situation, here’s what you should do as quickly as possible:

  • • Remove the app that the scammers had you download.
  • • Download an antivirus and run a malware scanner to ensure your phone files are clean.
  • • Update passwords for all accounts linked to your phone on a different device to prevent malware from accessing new passwords.
  • • Inform your bank about the malware and attempt to reverse any unauthorized transactions. Your actions can help prevent similar incidents and protect other bank clients.
  • • You can also file an unauthorized dispute through PayPal by following the steps on their Help Center. Keep in mind that since the issue stemmed from an app takeover, PayPal may initially deny the case.

AnyDesk Scams on Amazon

amazon scams

Amazon is an extremely popular e-commerce site that has enjoyed increased usage due to the restrictions enforced to control the COVID-19 pandemic. Once again, hackers are taking advantage of any opportunity to steal data and cause havoc for innocent computer users. At this point, we shouldn’t be surprised at the lengths to which they will go to commit their crimes.

The AnyDesk app scams on Amazon involve similar tactics to general social engineering attempts at fraud. Users should be on the lookout for hackers using comparable AnyDesk scams using PayPal, Apple, and other types of supposedly locked accounts to gain their confidence. Here’s how this particular scam works.

  •  You get contacted by a fake Amazon representative who tells you your account has been hacked. They tell you there may be substantial financial repercussions if you don’t address this problem immediately.
  •  The hacker then requests that you download and install AnyDesk to your device so they can resolve the problems for you. This should be a warning as there is no reason for an Amazon customer service rep to control your device remotely. Any issue with the account can be addressed on Amazon’s systems.
  •  Once they gain access to your device, additional malware may be installed, and account credentials can be compromised.

If you fall victim to this AnyDesk scam, you should immediately remove AnyDesk and any other programs installed at the time you were contacted by the hackers. Run a virus scanning tool on your device to ensure you have eliminated any malware the hackers may have installed.

Amazon or Paypal Customer Support teams never offer the option to control your computer. AnyDesk Amazon scam is possible only if you personally give fraudsters access!

AnyDesk Scams Using Fraud and Social Engineering

The practice of social engineering involves tricking a victim into making a poor decision regarding sharing information or performing an action. Hackers are skilled at eliciting an emotional response from prospective victims so they can steal data or install some type of dangerous malware.

AnyDesk scams that rely on social engineering can take many forms. They all share the common goal of getting you to either divulge information, provide access to your device, or download a malicious piece of software. The following scenarios describe a few of the ways AnyDesk hackers try to fool their victims.

  •  You get an unexpected call from a technical support team advising you of a serious problem that needs to be addressed right away. You should always be suspicious of this type of call, as the majority of legitimate organizations do not make them.You might even get a call from a supposed Microsoft Windows support team when you are using an Apple device! The best advice is to hang up on the scammers and let them try to find a victim somewhere else.
  •  You get a text message or email informing you an account has been locked due to suspicious activity. The message includes a link to a website that looks to be legitimate and instructions to log into your account right away to correct the error.The link may install malware that allows a hacker to steal your login credentials. Don’t click it! Instead, log into your account using your usual methods, and you will undoubtedly find that there was no problem at all.

The authentic customer service personnel will not pressure you to install software or ask for login credentials to help resolve an issue. You may be asked to provide limited access to a legitimate technical support rep, but only do so if you have initiated the call using a reputable contact method.

Switch to Reliable, Secure Remote Support Software

To avoid security concerns associated with Anydesk, you might want to switch to a dependable AnyDesk alternative. HelpWire offers essential features for effortless, on-demand remote support, compatible with both Mac and Windows. More importantly, HelpWire upholds top-notch security standards, using advanced encryption and reliable authentication methods to ensure secure connections for both support specialists and their remote clients.

Strong Authentication and Security
Protect your credentials with our solid authentication and authorization system, Auth0.

Enhanced Encryption Standards
HelpWire ensures maximum security for remote connections to client devices by implementing TLS/SSL protocols and AES-256 encryption.

Reliable and Secure Data Centers
HelpWire’s server infrastructure is robustly hosted on cloud platforms, specifically using AWS servers for superior security.

Controlled Remote Access with Consent
HelpWire prioritizes client control and privacy, requiring explicit client consent for operator access to workstations, thus reinforcing trust and confidentiality.


So, is AnyDesk secure? After reviewing the various types of AnyDesk scams, you may be unsure of the answer to that question. Can AnyDesk be used to hack your devices and steal your data? Yes, it can. Just like a lot of other software tools, it can expose you to fraud and malware if not used safely and correctly.

Much of the responsibility for staying safe online and when establishing remote connectivity falls on you. By being an informed user and taking the necessary precautions, you can reduce the chances that you will be the victim of AnyDesk hackers. Remember to always be cautious when allowing anyone to access your device, especially when you have not initiated the request.